
Remove Decaying Teeth and Start Fresh

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Get Your Teeth Taken Out to Stop Decay

Tooth extractions are rarely your dentist's first course of action, however sometimes when other dental restoration procedures such as root canal therapy, dental crowns, or dental fillings are not enough to save a tooth, our dentists may have no other option than to pull the tooth. Choose our dental office for safe, effective tooth extraction or removal.


The Benefits of Tooth Extraction:

  • Completely removes the tooth, ending cycle of capping, crowning, etc.
  • Doctor removes any infected or decaying tissue around the tooth
  • Stops infection and tooth decay from spreading to other teeth
  • Could save you thousands on repairs, and your other teeth
  • Gives you a fresh start to brush, floss, and keep your remaining teeth in pristine condition

Start Your Oral Health Fresh

Hand holding tooth with rootsTooth extractions have become far less painful than before. Dr. Schold and Dr. Smars have completed hundreds of tooth extractions. With expertise and a little help from anesthetics and sedatives, if you end up needing a tooth pulled, you’ll experience little to no discomfort, and only minor bleeding.

What To Expect From a Tooth Extraction

Before our experienced dentists begin extracting your tooth, we will numb the area surrounding the tooth with a topical anesthetic and typically inject Novocaine. Once the area has been fully numbed, Dr. Schold or Dr. Smars will pull your tooth. Patients undergoing a tooth extraction will occasionally be prescribed an antibiotic following their dental procedure to ensure an infection doesn't occur.

For tooth extractions involving severely impacted wisdom teeth, you may be referred to a qualified oral surgeon.

Post Operative Care

Once you’ve had your tooth extracted, avoid smoking, vigorous brushing and rinsing, and drinking liquids through straws during the healing period as these things can hinder the process or cause the wound to open once more. Use a cold compress on the outside cheek near the tooth extraction to reduce any swelling.

Schedule Your Appointment

If you're worried about your oral health, make a dental appointment at our Minneapolis dental office today.

Watch to learn about tooth extractions.

Caring for your smile has never been easier!

We are currently accepting new patients. We look forward to seeing you!

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