3 Keys to Keeping Kids’ Teeth Healthy

Keeping your teeth healthy is important at any point in your life, but getting your children off to a strong start can help save you and them the cost of their oral health or the cost of fixing it. At Bluff Creek Dental in Chanhassen, we know how important it is to give kids a healthy start, and our pediatric and family dentistry services will give your children the foundation they need for good oral health.

Keeping kids teeth healthy involves much of the same maintenance that adults do regularly. However, there are a few aspects that are important to keep in mind in order to make sure your kids only need routine dental care in the future. Here are a few important aspects to keeping your children’s teeth healthy in their early childhood, and look to Bluff Creek Dental in the Minneapolis area for your family dentistry.

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Dental Tips for Kids’ Teeth

As the parent of a young child, you have a lot of say in how they handle their oral health not only now, but throughout their lives, as well. Your attitude towards taking care of your teeth and going to the dentist will likely determine theirs well into adulthood. Get your kids off to a fast start and keep these things in mind.

When Kids Should Have Their First Dentist Appointment

Experts say that you should set your child’s first pediatric dentist appointment for 12 months or six months after the first tooth comes in, whichever comes first. In one study, less than half of parental respondents knew this, and one in six thought children could go as long as four years before their first check in. That’s probably part of the reason that early childhood caries, or missing and decayed teeth by the age of 5, is so prevalent in the U.S. In 2010, this number was estimated at around 40% of children. Don’t let yours be one of them. Take the experts’ advice and make your child’s first appointment during year one.

When to Start Brushing and Using the Right Toothpaste

Brushing is just as important in infants and young children as it is in adults, and as soon as your child has teeth, that’s when you can and should start brushing them. After teeth appear, you should use an appropriately sized toothbrush and low-fluoride children’s toothpaste. It’s important that you use the right toothpaste so your child’s teeth don’t start spotting — with whiter than usual spots on the teeth — because they’re being exposed to more fluoride than they can handle.

Eating the Right Foods

Maintaining a healthy diet is always important, but it can be especially important in helping to prevent tooth decay in children. For the most part, this should be easy, because there are many foods that kids naturally love that are good for their teeth. For example, apples, carrots, strawberries, kiwis, raisins, and peanut butter are all good options. The one moderately difficult caveat — keep them from too many sugary treats, especially sodas and certain juices.

Stop Into Bluff Creek Dental In Chanhassen Today

If you live in the Minneapolis area or Chanhassen, Bluff Creek Dental wants to be your family dentist. Let us get your kids off to a great start with their oral health. Set up your appointment today!

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