Stress & Oral Habits

The effects of stress on our body are well-known. Stress not only affects your body, it impacts your oral health as well. One specific way is by clenching or grinding our teeth, also known as bruxism or “bruxing.” When we grind or clench, we damage our teeth and dental work by:

  • Wearing down the tooth’s surface
  • Increasing likelihood of cavities
  • Damaging or scraping away the enamel
  • Increasing sensitivity to hot and cold
  • Damaging crowns and fillings
  • Loosening teeth
  • Becoming prone to tooth loss
  • Causing jaw pain and headaches

It is common to clench or grind your teeth without your knowledge, as it often occurs during sleep. If you suspect nocturnal bruxing, the dentists at Bluff Creek Dental in Minneapolis are here to help you find relief.

Why Do We Clench and Grind Our Teeth?

Stress is the main reason for clenching and grinding our teeth, whether it happens nocturnally or during the day. Here are other common factors that can lead to bruxing:

  • Misaligned teeth
  • Overuse of caffeine
  • Side effects of certain prescription medications
  • Use of alcohol, tobacco, or illegal drugs

Solutions and Treatments

As most bruxism is stress-related, the simplest way to reduce teeth-clenching and grinding, is by managing our stress in positive ways. Relaxation techniques may help, but a custom occlusal guard may be the best long-term option. An occlusal guard is a custom-made mouth guard, similar to an athletic mouth guard, that is worn during the night. The occlusal guard keeps teeth from touching one another during sleep and also maintains proper jaw alignment during sleep to help reduce jaw pain.

Contact Bluff Creek Dental Today

If you experience any of the above symptoms related to bruxing, contact Bluff Creek Dental in today. We would be happy to provide additional information regarding restorative dentistry, dental implants, and all you family dentistry needs.

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